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I have been on faculty at 77 Arts Academy, Oak Meadow Montessori  School,  Youth & Muse Boston International Summer Music Festival, Duxbury High School and privately in Boston.  


For more information on lessons, or masterclasses please contact me here.




Curriculum Vitae



My Studio

As an artist, I relish the close relationships with my students and teachers. Passing on the joy and knowledge that I have received from my teachers is a life long process and goal. I delight in the opportunity to meet new students and hope to keep in contact with old ones. 

I have been a disciple of both the american and french schools of flute performance, and my principal influences have been Michel Debost, Kathleen Chastain, Elizabeth Ostling and Linda Toote; although I have never worked with a musician I didn’t learn something from.

As a teacher my primary focus is to customize my teaching to fit the goals of each individual student I meet whether it be an adult amateur, a young child or an aspiring professional. 


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